Forensic Engineers and Consultants

Tag Archive: Chad Jones P.E.

  1. Materials in HVAC Plenums

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    What materials are suitable for installation in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) plenums?  Let’s first define a plenum.  The 2021 edition of the International Mechanical Code (IMC), a subset of the International Building Code (IBC), defines a plenum as “an enclosed portion of a building structure, other than the occupied space being conditioned, that is designed to allow air movement, and thereby serve as a part of an air distribution system.” (more…)

  2. Hot ’til It’s Not Part II – Heating System Maintenance

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    As cold weather sets in for those of us that actually get a winter in the Northern Hemisphere, a property owner needs to think about another expensive home system that is often taken for granted, your HVAC system.

    Whether you have a heat pump with electric backup, a gas fired furnace, a fuel oil fired furnace, or even  electric strip heat, your heating system requires some routine attention to maximize efficiency and get the most life out of the unit.

    As a homeowner, the easiest and cheapest thing you can do to maximize the efficiency of your heating system is (more…)

  3. Keeping the Home Fires Burning Without the Fires Burning Homes

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    As the Holiday Season approaches in the United States, it is a good time to take a look at several ways that the festivities can go awry.

    For people that have cool or cold weather during winter, the thought of a warm, cozy home can be very comforting.  However, many of the things that come to mind can turn the season on its head very quickly.  Candles are a great example of a decorating trend with potentially serious side effects.  The good folks at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) tell us that more than one-third of home decoration fires are started by candles, with more than two of every five decoration fires occurring because decorations were placed too close to a heat source.  One fire I responded to as a firefighter occurred because (more…)

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