Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) is a common building material used to plumb fuel gas lines. While some believe CSST provides benefits beyond traditional schedule 40 black iron pipe, CSST seems to have additional risks — including susceptibility to lightning induced perforation and gas leakage — that can lead to catastrophic results.
Our certified fire and explosion investigators (CFEI) by the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI) have investigated a number of fires involving installation and perforation of CSST tubing. We conduct our investigations utilizing the court approved NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations. Our scientific methodology provides a sound basis for determining the origin and cause of the fire, if the use of CSST was a cause of the fire, and if the CSST system was in compliance with local and state codes.
Not only are our investigators nationally certified, many are licensed professional engineers. They are known for bringing a high degree of expertise and experience to investigations, reports and courtroom appearances.