Forensic Engineers and Consultants

Tag Archive: main drain

  1. Fire Pumps are Cool 😎; Lets Keep Them That Way

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    In my last blog, we discussed the small PRVs that go on wet sprinkler systems to limit their pressure below 175 psi. That brought to mind a small PRV in another application that is used to keep something different cool: an electric motor-driven centrifugal fire pump. I can’t talk about electric fire pumps without also talking about diesel fire pumps, so let’s dive in and take a look at both! (more…)

  2. Wet System Pressure Release Valves

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    Ah, summertime. Summer’s heat brings some good things: opportunities for outdoor swimming and seasonal produce: blueberries, and peaches, and watermelon…

    Summer’s heat doesn’t bring all good things. It can even trigger issues with fire sprinkler systems. Let’s zoom in on a small component on a wet fire sprinkler system that’s there in part because of summer heating: a pressure relief valve.

    A pressure relief valve (or an auxiliary air reservoir) is required on wet sprinkler systems; one reason is to (more…)

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