Forensic Engineers and Consultants

Tag Archive: PE

  1. More HVAC Equipment Changes on the Way

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    The United States Department of Energy (DOE) finalized energy efficiency standards for residential gas furnaces in late 2023.  These new standards are slated for implementation in late 2028.  The last time the DOE raised the efficiency rating of gas furnaces was in 2007, when the minimum efficiency for gas fired furnaces was raised from 78% to 80% efficient.

    Let’s look at what efficiency means in this context.  In simple terms, (more…)

  2. New Year, New HVAC Refrigerant

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    As we ring in the new year 2025, a significant change is coming for several heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) systems that are currently used in both residential and commercial applications.  The 2020 American Innovation & Manufacturing (AIM) Act is bipartisan legislation that was signed into law.  The AIM legislation empowers the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce the production and consumption of hydroflourocarbons HFCs by 85 percent by the year 2035. (more…)

  3. Safety Distance in Machine Safeguarding

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    Hazard can be defined as a potential source of harm.  Machine safeguarding seeks to protect people from these potential sources of harm.  Often distance from a hazard will play a key role in providing a means of protection.

    One would often think of distance as it relates to the location of a barrier guard from a hazard.  ANSI B11.19, Performance Criteria for Safeguarding, defines safety distance as “the distance a safeguard is installed from a hazard such that individuals are not exposed to a hazard.”  An example from ANSI B11.19 of the recommended distance of a slotted opening in a barrier guard from a hazard is shown (more…)

  4. Danger Within Reach

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    How far away from a hazard should you stay?  Your parents or grandparents would probably have told you to stay far away, but what are you to do when a hazard is present, and you must work around or near the hazard?  And what exactly is a hazard?  ISO 12100 Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk assessment and risk reduction defines a hazard as a “potential source of harm.

    Where would a designer of a machine or product start if they wished to protect the user from a known hazard?  Consensus standards are a great place to begin the quest for safety. (more…)

  5. HEY…Cover Up Please!

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    Machine guards can be compared to the clothes we wear every day.  Indeed, they serve a very important purpose.  Imagine someone leaving their home on a fine, sunny morning wearing nothing but a smile.  Wonder how far they will get through the day before things start going poorly for this individual?






    There will be more than a few raised eyebrows and blushes when he stops into the local Starbucks for his usual morning double-dipped and whipped, chocolaty chip with a touch of pumpkin spice cappuccino fix.  Good luck with that!  Probably going to leave disappointed, empty-handed, and likely wearing handcuffs.  This will be the beginning of a very long, very bad day for that individual.  Had he recognized the risks associated with this type of behavior, and then put forth a little effort to cover up, he would have prevented many unfavorable and possibly life-changing personal and legal problems from ever occurring!

    And so it is with properly guarding a machine.  Machine safeguarding helps to protect workers from preventable injuries. (more…)

  6. WARREN Welcomes Mechanical Engineer Bob Hickman, P.E.

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    Please join us in welcoming Mechanical Engineer Bob Hickman, P.E., to the WARREN family! Bob has over 30 years of manufacturing and machine design experience in production and quality-driven environments. Bob holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University.

    Bob’s Areas of Expertise Include:
    -Machine Safeguarding
    -Machine Design
    -Equipment Failure
    -Mechanical Engineering
    -Industrial Accident Investigation
    -Codes & Standards
    -Machinery & Equipment Damage Assessment
    -Products Liability (more…)

  7. The Concepts of Hazard, Risk, and Harm in Machine Safeguarding

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    Hazard, risk, and harm are terms that are used in the world of machine safeguarding.   How do these words shape the concept of machine safeguarding? Let’s look a little deeper….

    Hazard, which Merriam-Webster defines as a noun, lists its first meaning as a source of danger.

    1: a source of danger

    2athe effect of unpredictable and unanalyzable forces in determining events CHANCERISK

      b:  a chance event ACCIDENT  (more…)

  8. Taking a Practical Approach to Vehicle Fires

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    “On average, U.S. fire departments responded to a highway vehicle fire every 182 seconds,” according to the NFPA’s Fire Loss Facts Sheet.

    The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says that vehicle fires account for about 20 percent of all reported fires. Before I attempt to examine a vehicle fire loss, I like to check various consumer and government agencies websites to see if I can find any recall or historical data that might be important. This is true for heavy truck fires all the way to automobile and motorcycle fires. (more…)

  9. Lack of HVAC System Design and Poor Installation Lead to Extreme Conditions

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    Construction defects can appear in many forms.  The building does not necessarily have to fall down. There are many types of construction defects, including roof leaks, water intrusion into walls, as well as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) defects.

    One extreme example of this was an office complex I was called to for an investigation of the source of mold observed on the walls.  The occupants complained that they could not find a temperature setting on the thermostat where they could make the office comfortable. When I inspected the office, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  A band of black mold (more…)

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