Forensic Engineers and Consultants

Tag Archive: plastic piping

  1. Dig into Underground Fire Water Piping and Appurtenances

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    Many sites that are protected by fire sprinklers will have at least some amount of private underground fire water piping. Its purpose is to make water available for fire protection or suppression at a needed flow and pressure. Its presence is usually quietly evidenced by the connected objects that occasionally surface along its course, like valves, fire department connections and private hydrants, termed appurtenances. Underground water piping commands attention, though, when (more…)

  2. Steam Explosions…Spectacular Expansions, Spectacular Losses

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    I’ve heard some people say that the term steam explosion is a malaprop because explosions involve combustion.  However, if you look up the definition of explosion, you get this: “a large-scale, rapid, or spectacular expansion or bursting out or forth.” (Thanks, Meriam-Webster!!)  If you’ve ever witnessed a steam explosion, you’ll agree that it is a MOST appropriate term!

    Steam explosions occur when water or other liquid undergoes a sudden phase change (more…)

  3. One of the Most Amazing Compounds Around – Water?!?!

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    Around Christmas day of 2022, a mass of very cold air settled in the deep south/southeastern United States (where I live).  It remained below freezing for over 24 hours.  That is very unusual down here.  There was a spate of burst pipes all over the area.  Why?  Water is one of a very few compounds that expands when it freezes…by approximately 9%!!  If a volume of water is sealed off in a section of piping, and that water freezes, it is likely the pipe will rupture. Then, when it warms up again and thaws, liquid water will leave the pipe for an adventure!! (more…)

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